Personal Development: Tips & Growth Strategies for Success
Personal development is a frequently discussed topic but can sometimes feel a bit abstract. You might hear about it in self-help books, podcasts, or motivational speeches. But what does personal development really mean, and how do you actually start this journey?   Key Takeaways Personal development revolves around self-awareness, self-acceptance, and taking action to improve […]
Team coach: Definition, process, and methods
In today's work culture, teamwork is often the foundation for success. Whether it's a small business, a large corporation, or even a non-profit organization—teams are central to getting things done. While individual contributions are important, teams are often more than just the sum of their parts. But what happens when a team isn't functioning as […]
Change Management Coach: Expert tips for navigating change
Changes are difficult. No matter where you are in your career—whether you're leading a team or running a company—you know that changes come with challenges. But what happens when you're facing a major upheaval? This is where a Change Management Coach or a Business Coach comes into play. Let's take a closer look at what […]
Agile corporate management
We live in a world where changes happen quickly. Markets shift, customer expectations continue to evolve, and the workplace itself is constantly changing. In this environment, leaders can no longer rely on rigid, old-fashioned methods and should pay attention to agile leadership.   Key Takeaways   Agile leadership stands for flexibility, team empowerment, and a […]
Webinar: The Confidence Catalyst: Mastering Your Personal Brand
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NhMO5bjn8zy9-l5pw9a1mqNqC7aj3Jcn/view This webinar is designed to help professionals like you understand the critical elements of personal branding and how it directly impacts your self-confidence and career growth.
How About Making the New Year your Best Year Ever!
Reflect on this past year and shape 2023 for more fun, ease and contentment. ‘The product of your past thoughts is the life you are currently living!’! This saying recently reminded me again that we create our world ourselves - with what we focus our thoughts on.  The year that is ending, the beginning of […]

Sabine Wieger 

International Professional Certified Coach

Austria – Vienna

Tel AT: +43 676 364 0010

USA – New York

​Tel US: +1 917 725 5171