CoachHub Interview
Interview conducted by Maria Willamowius from CoachHub. CoachHub is the global leader in digital coaching. Through first-class coaching, which is offered via the CoachHub Portal, a digital platform. Together with their customers, CoachHub's focus is to rethink human resources development and support corporate transformation on an individual, collective and organizational level. Read more at https://www.coachhub.com/ […]
Strengthening your Personal Brand: How well do you know yourself – and why does it matter for your career?
During my professional career in a large global company, I remember one colleague - Michael (name changed) - very well. My first impression of Michael was that he was aloof, grumpy (no laughter, corners of his mouth down), introverted, and not very communicative. No wonder I was quite happy that he was in another department, […]
Know Yourself, Know Your Value – 3 Steps to Creating an Authentic Personal Brand   
Having a strong Personal Brand will help you gain recognition in your job, advance in your career, and get the salary you deserve - but what is a Personal Brand and how do you develop yours?
Develop Your Personal Brand – and Set Yourself Apart
Do you know anybody who has never had to apply for a job? Someone who attracts the right opportunities at the right time without having to go out and search for them? I have the good fortune of being one of those people. I realized that this is because I have always had a Personal […]

Sabine Wieger 

International Professional Certified Coach

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